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Thursday 19 January 2012

The Vaccines.

What did I expect? I wasn’t quite sure, either a distinctly average pop band to add to the ever-growing list of hypocrisy, or a group of peculiar art graduates with nothing better to do. However, giving them a listen was a breath of fresh air. Top draw comes to mind. There variant collection of eccentric, purely insane, and in some cases, quite touching records can only be admired. Just one criticism - if a journey to work meets a line of traffic, and a trip to the petrol station, the album has been and gone, lasting merely half an hour. Oh, one more actually, why isn’t ‘Tiger Blood’ on the record? Crazy decision! Ergo, ’Norgaard’, ‘A Lack of Understanding’ and ‘Wetsuit’ are the stand out tracks on this consistently brilliant album. They were at Leeds, and are rumoured for V this coming year. They supported Arctic Monkeys on their latest UK tour, apart from the night I went, quite guttingly. They don’t only sound cool, they look pretty sharp too, sporting their chord trousers and paisley shirts. Clean cut yet stylish barnets with the exclusion of the blonde one, his due is horrific to say the least, but as a whole, rather respectable. They have been nominated for a BRIT of some sort, an accolade I believe they will and must win with consummate ease. The foundations are set, let’s just hope they continue in a similar vain to the great success of their debut.