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Wednesday 19 October 2011

All The Young.

Stoke-on-Trent’s ‘All The Young’, formerly ‘New Education’, have hit the big time. With track ‘Welcome Home’ labelled Reggie Yates’ ‘hottest record in the World’, numerous appearances on the illustrious NME channel, and now a breathtaking 6-album deal with ‘Warner Bros.’ There image and ever slight sound alteration has instantaneously reaped its rewards, and holds envious potential. In just 6 short months, they have toured Canada, selected areas of Europe, and the UK. They have also recorded a live 6-track EP album - ‘All the Young Live From King Tutz’.  They head out on their own headline tour next month, up to now they have been supporting ‘Brother’. Despite this being a relatively new project, their time as ‘New Education’ has given them a loyal batch of followers across North Staffordshire. With sumptuous tracks ‘Arcane’ and ‘Another Miracle’ being greatly responsible for this underlying loyalty. This quartet possesses obvious talent, and with the seeds for success already planted, they must flower into the maturity of the modern day alternative rock scene. Is a promising era in touching distance for Stoke’s music scene? Let’s hope so.